To Ask For Reviews Or Not?

So as we all know reviews are a crucial part of proving to our customers you are worthy or not worthy of a new customer’s business but the fine line must be asked to ask or not to ask for reviews it’s not against Google’s TOS to ask for a customer to leave a review but you must understand Google does have an algorithm based on how many reviews you have based on industry and location for instance if your competition has 5 reviews over 2 years and you have 100 in less than a year you must expect some repercussion from having too many reviews.
So it is best to only ask so many people for a review or to keep reviews at a certain pace, you can’t go out and get 100 reviews and think that you’re only going to do better! I think in this day and age you must be more proactive on keeping a steady flow of reviews but we have all heard too little too late but sometimes too much too early can also have a negative impact on our business we must stay engaged with customers and build our business in a natural flow.
What People Are Saying
Nate has been with me for a while and always does what he says he can do. I started with him with Local only and he immediately got me to the top for 2 major keywords. Then he took over my SEO and this was the miracle, for the same 2 keywords which had been ranking anywhere from 5-9 on page one he took one to the top and one to the second position
Just wanted to leave a testimonial for Nate’s Local SEO services: I’ve been working with Nate now for around 6+ months. He has managed to rank numerous clients in the map pack and provide a good white label solution for a lot of my clients.
I just wanted to vouch for Nate. I have been purchasing his map services for probably about 3-4 years now. I found him originally on WF and now we talk weekly on Skype. As someone who owns a large agency (30+ people) and has been in the industry for over 10 years, I can tell you Nate is a one-of-a-kind guy.
Hey everyone,
I just finished my first month of service with Nathan and I can tell you this man is great. He’s done everything he promised and then some. He’s given me my end of the month report and I can see the benefits of his services. I will definitely continue to use Nathan and would recommend everyone else to try him out.
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